Photo from Alikay Naturals Honey and Sage Deep Conditioner
Deep conditioning is extremely important for textured hair. Since curls dry out fast, they need extra hydration. You can do it with or without a heat cap. Heat caps help to further maximise results, however; you will still achieve amazing results without them.
Below is a general guide on how to deep condition. Your treatments will have instructions on how to best use them on their packaging.
1. Wet and detangle hair
Before applying the product, ensure hair is wet and detangled. This will help the product go on with ease.
2. Apply on strands (not roots)
Make sure to only apply the treatment on your strands and to stay away from your roots. Leave 2-3cm from the roots without product. Lather generously throughout the rest of your hair.
If you struggle with dry roots then putting a small amount near the roots might be an option for you (keep in mind that you will compromise with some volume).
3. Add cap, tie, twist or leave it
You can choose whatever method you like best: add a heat cap, tie your hair in one or two buns, twist your hair in sections or simply leave it as is.
I normally put my hair in a bun and later on take it out to sit as is for a little.
Allow to sit for however long the product specifies. This is normally around 15-30 minutes.
4. Rinse thoroughly
Now it’s time to rinse! It’s ideal to lean forward, face your head down and allow your hair to fall. Rinsing in this position will help with volume.
Bonus tip:
Don’t forget to rinse all of your treatment out. Deep treatments are so effective because of their potent ingredients and heavy butters. These heavy ingredients are meant to be washed out once their purpose has been served. Failure to do so can result in greasy and weighed down hair.
Shop our range of Deep Treatments today!